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Red Hartebeest for sale (MWSA1813)


Red Hartebeest breeding groups and Bulls for sale from Bloemhof Dam Nature Reserve.

The Bloemhof Dam Nature Reserve is located 320 km from Johannesburg and 4 km east of Bloemhof on the R34 to Hoopstad.

The reserve is a 12 000 ha conservancy in open Kalahari scrub, thornveld country offering clients exceptional genetics on species such as Gemsbuck, Cape Eland, Red Hartebeest, Springbuck, Black Wildebeest, Blesbok, Zebra.

Animals will be captured by Mpatamacha Game Capture team from middel to end of April.

  • Red Hartebeeste Breeding Groups @R5 800 each
  • Trophy / Hunting Bulls @R7 500 each

Animals will be delivered directly after capture – animals are not going to a boma. Make sure to book animals in advance !

All prices are excluding VAT.

Contact Stephanie on 082-339 6603 / Erika 082-332 4125 / Susan 081-713 7385

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Red Hartebeest breeding groups and Bulls for sale from Bloemhof Dam Nature Reserve.

The Bloemhof Dam Nature Reserve is located 320 km from Johannesburg and 4 km east of Bloemhof on the R34 to Hoopstad.

The reserve is a 12 000 ha conservancy in open Kalahari scrub, thornveld country offering clients exceptional genetics on species such as Gemsbuck, Cape Eland, Red Hartebeest, Springbuck, Black Wildebeest, Blesbok, Zebra.

Animals will be captured by Mpatamacha Game Capture team from middel to end of April.

  • Red Hartebeeste Breeding Groups @R5 800 each
  • Trophy / Hunting Bulls @R7 500 each

Animals will be delivered directly after capture – animals are not going to a boma. Make sure to book animals in advance !

All prices are excluding VAT.

Contact Stephanie on 082-339 6603 / Erika 082-332 4125 / Susan 081-713 7385




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